Who's ready to start their journey to heal through the grief?
Greetings everyone. Here we have a new service that caters to both couples and individuals from a group standpoint. At times we're faced with financial dilemmas where the actual cost of counseling is a bit much more than we can bite off; so with that being said, I've decided to offer the counseling piece from an affordable standpoint. This approach allows both the couple and the individual to receive blessings, uplift, and areas of encouragement from a group effort; while not being too focused on if one would be able to afford the service.
What are some of the perks of this "group counseling?"
a. Being around others that share similar issues
b. Being around others that can relate
c. Affordability
d. Consistent meetings for you and yours
e. Hands on activities for you and yours
f. We cater to both couples and singles
g. Financial package deals
h. Saving your marriage
i. Saving yourself
j. Peace
What's the cost?
a. $25 per individual per session
b. $45 per couple per session
c. We do not accept insurance at this time. Only private pay
Will there be food served?
a. Yes
How often?
a. Every 2nd & 3rd Wednesday of the month
What are the times?
a. 6:30pm-8:00pm.
What's going to take place?
a. Counseling
b. Improv
c. Hands on activities
d. Creativity
e. Tears of joy and laughter
f. Excellent discussions
g. Much more......
How do I sign up?
a. Email or contact John Clark
>>Datedocta@gmail.com or 919.320.7688
How do I pay?
The links below
When is the next meeting?
09/15/21 @ 630pm
Will a mask be required?
a. At this time, I ask that you bring one with you, but you're not obligated to wear if you choose not too. If you're not feeling well the day of, please refrain from attending.
Spoken Intuition, "If Love Could Talk."
Where are my gifted, punch line, sharp with the words, and smooth with the messages type of folks at?? I know you're there and are eager to get a few things off your chest! Trust me, with all that's going on in America and the constant desires to leave the home, you now have that opportunity!!!!
This event is for both listeners, and speakers. It will be an open mic night event where you have the choice to step up to the mic, or sit back and enjoy the show. If you're interested in stepping up to the mic, feel free to DM here and lets get you on the list If you prefer to just sit back and watch, that's fine as well.
The cost does not change no matter if you want to hit the stage, versus just sitting in the audience. Come on out and have some fun.
Come as you are
Speak on topics surrounding love
Be respectful of the speakers
No clapping, but you may snap fingers
Keep messages to 7 minutes or less
$12 for Couples
$7 for Individuals
Medium Refreshments
Adult Beverages
1631 Midtown Place. ste 104
Raleigh, NC 27609

Workout 4 Love
Hey you guys! Feel free to bring a guest or two with you as you come out and workout 4 love on such a meaningful day. Be sure to bring a small towel, some water, and some good workout shoes. It's going to be fun. BRING A MASK :-)
For anyone coming by themselves, the ticket price is $7. If you and your partner are planning to attend, the cost is $12. Please try to purchase your tickets in advance so that we're aware of attendance.
Try to arrive by 615pm so we can check temperatures and ensure safety

Lay-In Movie Night
Hey Yall! Lets take it back to the old school days where we participated in drive in movies and having a little fun with some good friends!! At this event, you have a choice to either drive in to watch our scheduled movie, or you can come and lay out and watch the movie. Either way, come out and show some love on our "Lay-In Movie Night."The scheduled movie will be announced very soon.
Couples: $20
Individuals: 13 & Older: $12
Children 5 & Under: FREE
Children 6 through 12: $5
Be sure to bring a comfortable blanket and/or lawn chairs with you and your guest should you participate in "laying out" with us.
Food and beverages will be passed out and/or plated for social distance and respect for NC's regulations for cover
It's going to be fun. BRING A MASK :-)
Please try to purchase your tickets in advance so that we're aware of attendance.
Try to arrive by 615pm so we can check temperatures and ensure safety